Tanzania emblem

Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Ofisi ya Rais - Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma na Utawala Bora

Idara ya Mipango


To provide expertise and services in planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation.


The Division will perform the following functions:-

  1. To coordinate the preparation of PO-PSMGG’s budget speech;
  2. To coordinate formulation and preparation of Medium Term Strategic Plan and Annual Plans and Budgets and Monitor their implementation;
  3. To coordinate preparation and compilation of PO-PSMGG’s programmes and actions plans;
  4. To develop strategies for resources mobilization;
  5. To provide technical support for institutionalization of Strategic Planning and Budgeting matters;
  6. To participate in analysis of outsourcing of non-core functions (Private Sector Participation);
  7. To oversee performance contracting;
  8. To provide technical support for institutionalization of M&E process
  9. To be a custodian and  coordinator of Office statistics; and
  10. To prepare periodic reports on development and implementation of Public Service Reform Program (PSRP) and liaise with the State House - Reform Coordination Unit.

The Division will be led by a Director and will have two (2) Sections as follows:-

  1. Planning Section; and
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation Section.