Tanzania emblem

Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Ofisi ya Rais - Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma na Utawala Bora

Policy Development


To provide expertise and services on formulation, review, monitoring and evaluation of Policies related to the Public Service.



  1. To initiate, develop and review Public Services policies;
  2. To monitor and evaluate implementation of public service policies;
  3. To provide expertise on diversity programmes in MDAs, RSs and LGAs and other Public Institutions;
  4. To coordinate Public Service matters arising from the Parliament;
  5. To provide expertise on formulation and reviewing of records management policies, laws and procedures; and
  6. To provide oversight expertise in implementation of Public Servant Housing Scheme.

The Division will be led by a Director and will have the three (3) Sections as follows:-

  1. Policy Analysis Section;
  2. Administration and Human Resource Policies Monitoring Section; and
  3. Diversity Management Section.