Tanzania emblem

Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Ofisi ya Rais - Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma na Utawala Bora

Government Communication Unit


To provide to the Office expertise and service in information, communication and dialogue with public and media. 

The Unit will perform the following activities: -

  1. Coordinate press briefings for the Office;
  2. Promote ministerial activities, programs and policies
  3. Coordinate preparation and editing of Government Official Gazette;
  4. Coordinate preparation, production and printing of Government Directory;
  5. Develop and manage library services in the PO-PSM including collaboration with other libraries, local and foreign;
  6. Provide technical support to library users (help-desk) in the PO-PSM;
  7. Conduct user needs, selection, ordering, organization, storage and dissemination of public service information materials (books, journals, periodicals, CDs and other IEC materials);
  8. Coordinate preparation, production and printing of ministerial newsletters, calendars, brochures, posters and other documents;
  9. Coordinate preparation, production of Tv and Radio programs and printing of Office articles in the  newspapers;
  10. Up-date Office’s  information in the website and social media;
  11. Conduct media monitoring;
  12. Advice Divisions, Units and other Institutions under the Office on production of various IEC materials;
  13. Receive Public Service and Good Governance complaints from customers;
  14. Coordinate MDAs and LGAs to participate on Public Service Week;
  15. Coordinate preparation of various documents on Public Service Reform Programme; and
  16. Distribute reform documents to stake holders.

The Unit will be led by a Head who is equivalent to a Principal Information Officer